Placement of pharmaceutical, food, non-food production of various range of goods and products


General information about the ground area
Planned use of ground areaPlacement of pharmaceutical, food, non-food production of various range of goods and products
Address of the areaKrasnodar Territory, Belorechensky District, Belorechensk, st. Aerodromnaya, 15 (20)
Cadastre account of ground areaRegistered
Cadastre number of area/of quarter23:39:1101332:53; 23:39:1101332:13; 23:39:1101332:10; 23:39:1101332:48
Declared area (m2)5189 sq.m, 1169 sq.m, 1606 sq.m, 725 sq.m
Land categoryLands of settlements
Kind of allowed useFor the placement of a hangar and drying chambers, for the placement and operation of an administrative building, for industrial purposes, for the operation of an apartment building
Actual useLease from 20.04.2009 for 49 years, lease from 30.10.2003 for 49 years, lease from 30.10.2003 for 49 years, ownership
Information about proprietor (right holder)
ProprietorTenant: LLC "Agroberes", tenant: Natopta Anastasia Vladimirovna, tenant: LLC "Agroberes", owner: LLC "Agroberes"
Kind of rightRent, rent, rent, own
Electricity supply
Power supply center (name, right-holder)(TP-39, Belorechensk, Aerodromnaya st., 4, owner - Belorechenskelectroset branch of NESK-Electroset JSC)
Power supply center (electrotension class)The lowest class of tension – to 1 kV
Power supply center (free power (MWt))100 kW. Up to 630 kW free, above - it is recommended to build a separate substation
Power supply center (distance(m))350
Nearest connection point (network tension, kV)10
Nearest connection point (distance(m))80
Gas pipeline (name, right-holder)Branch No. 9 of Gazprom Gas Distribution Krasnodar JSC in Belorechensk, Goryachiy Klyuch / Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Krasnodar LLC
Gas pipeline (distance(m))34000, up to 1000000 and more
Water supply source (name, right-holder)PJSC "Russian Railways"
Water supply source (power (cubic meters a day))36000
Water supply source (quality of water)Service water
Sewage system
Type of building (name, right-holder)PJSC "Russian Railways"
Installation of telephones/internet
Central network (distance(m))Eat
Mobile communication (distance(m))Eat
Distance to the large settlements and objects of a transport infrastructure
Remoteness fromThe nameDistance (km)
Center of municipal formation Post office Belorechensk, st. Lenina, 752,7
Nearest settlement Rodniki2,4
Center of the subject of federation Krasnodar city113,0
Highways of local value Highway of local importance on the street. Aerodrome0,1
Nearest railway station railway station "Belorechenskaya"0,1
Nearest railway railway station "Belorechenskaya"0,1
Airport Krasnodar Airport98,0
Seaport seaport Novorossiysk245
Additional information about the ground area
Special conditionsMortgage, lending, installment, cash and non-cash payment methods
Cost of rent/buy of the ground area, mln. rub.55,0
Geographical coordinates of object (dd.dddddd)
Latitude (N)44.757150
Longitude (E)39.884343
Data on the project initiator (in case of existence information about the legal/physical person)
Name / Full nameDirector of LLC "Agroberes" Natopta Anastasia Vladimirovna
Data about the applicant (executive authority/local government executive authority)
NameAdministration of the Municipal Formation Belorechensky District, Head of the Department of Investments and Project Support of the Administration of the Municipal Formation Belorechensky District - Salova Oksana Vasilievna
Postal address352630, Belorechensk, st. Lenina, 66
Phone/fax(86155) 3-35-38