Placement of industrial and administrative buildings, buildings, industrial facilities


General information about the ground area
Planned use of ground areaPlacement of industrial and administrative buildings, buildings, industrial facilities
Address of the areaKrasnodar Territory, Belorechensky District, Pshekhskoye rural settlement, st. Pshekhskaya, st. Zarechnaya, 55 b
Cadastre account of ground areaRegistered
Cadastre number of area/of quarter23:39:0901002:67
Declared area (m2)33293
Land categoryLands of settlements
Kind of allowed useTo accommodate industrial and administrative buildings, buildings, industrial facilities
Actual useNot used
Information about proprietor (right holder)
ProprietorChunosova Valentina Mikhailovna
Right holderChunosova Valentina Mikhailovna
Kind of rightown
Electricity supply
Power supply center (name, right-holder)PJSC "Rosseti Kuban" AdES
Power supply center (free power (MWt))300 kW
Gas pipeline (name, right-holder)Branch No. 9 of Gazprom Gas Distribution Krasnodar JSC in Belorechensk, Goryachiy Klyuch
Gas pipeline (diameter(mm))250
Gas pipeline (pressure(MPa))0,3
Gas pipeline (distance(m))200
Nearest connection point (diameter(mm))250
Nearest connection point (pressure (MPa))High pressure pipelines of the II category – from 0,3 to 0,6
Nearest connection point (distance(m))200
Water supply source (name, right-holder)Water tower on site
Water supply source (distance(m))100
Sewage system
Type of building (name, right-holder)In the territory
Installation of telephones/internet
Central network (distance(m))500
Mobile communication (distance(m))500
Distance to the large settlements and objects of a transport infrastructure
Remoteness fromThe nameDistance (km)
Center of municipal formation Belorechensk12
Center of the subject of federation Krasnodar city90
Highways (regional, federal value) Road Maikop-Ust-Labinsk-Korenovsk12,5
Nearest railway station railway station "Belorechenskaya"12
Nearest railway railway station "Belorechenskaya"12
Airport Krasnodar Airport75
Seaport seaport Novorossiysk225
Geographical coordinates of object (dd.dddddd)
Latitude (N)44.687931
Longitude (E)39.818285
Data on the project initiator (in case of existence information about the legal/physical person)
Name / Full nameLLC PKF "Sadko" Chunosova Valentina Mikhailovna
Postal address352630, Krasnodar Territory, Belorechensk, st. Konarmeyskaya, 139 G/1, room 1
Phone/fax(86155) 3-80-97
Data about the applicant (executive authority/local government executive authority)
NameAdministration of the Municipal Formation Belorechensky District, Head of the Department of Investments and Project Support of the Administration of the Municipal Formation Belorechensky District - Salova Oksana Vasilievna
Postal address352630, Belorechensk, st. Lenina, 66
Phone/fax(86155) 3-35-38